Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rish Outcast 154: Touching the Other Side

This is my Halloween episode, and thanks to mishaps, I'm lucky to have gotten it to you at all.  I barely managed to publish it today, after dealing with frozen pipes and trick or treating, but now that I'm done, I hope you enjoy "Touching the Other Side."*

TTOS is is a new story concerning a certain haunted building in Idaho, and I hope you dig it.

So, happy greatest day of the year!

Spookily download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Creepily check out "True Ghost Encounter" HERE and/or HERE.

Unsettlingly become a patron on my Patreon HERE.

Terrifyingly thank Gino Moretto for the logo (and cover) HERE.

*Another reason to support me on Patreon . . . those guys got it days ago.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rish Outcast 153: Fire & Blood & Rish & Outfield

In this show, I talk about George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood" book, and its many detractors.  And I try to understand the man himself.

If you'd rather download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you'd rather the show not disappear after Halloween, support me on Patreon HERE.

Logo by Gino "Byre & Flood" Moretto.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rish Outcast 152: Pigeons From Hell

In this episode, I share Robert E. Howard's famous Horror story "Pigeons From Hell."

I talk about Howard, audio narration, and my choice of how to present this story, specifically a certain word contained in the original text.  That word.

Download this filth by Right-Clicking HERE.

Support me on Patreon by Left-Clicking HERE.

Logo by Gino "Kiwi From Hell" Moretto.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Rish Outcast 151: Radio Ga Ga

This episode, I present my short story "Radio Ga Ga."  And then I apologize for the title.  A lot.

I also talk about the movies TROLL 2 and SHUDDER ISLAND.  A little.

Care to download the episode directly?  Right-Click HERE.

Wish to support me on Patreon?  Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Killer Queen" Moretto.