As always, you can download the file by Right-Clicking HERE.
And of course, you can support my Patreon by clicking HERE. They're three shows ahead!
Logo by Gino "The Toenailful" Moretto.
Just in time to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the release of Michael Jackson's Thriller, Rish talks to Marshal and Big about movies that scared them.
What scared you?
After a wait of more than a month, Rish answers more questions from listeners*, including insight into the Cheesy Street Chalupa, and presents a short excerpt from his forthcoming novel "Balms & Sears."
*Questions from Rob Broughton, Keith Teklits, Marshal Latham, Letruvia Kambatta, and Brian Saur.
If you'd like to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
Because of's problems, this episode was delayed for weeks. To avoid this, come support me on Patreon HERE.
Logo by Gino "The Answer Man" Moretto.
I present Robert Bloch's 1951 short story, "The Man Who Collected Poe." Imagine the ultimate collection a fan could possess . . . what might it include?
Rish answers questions from listeners*, and plugs his next audio collection (buy it here).
Note: Due to unforeseen delays, this episode had to be split in two, and something I refer to at the beginning never actually appears. Sorry, kids. If you discover more disturbing errors, let me know.
*Questions from Rob Broughton, Keith Teklits, even Gino Moretto.
To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
To support my vain efforts on Patreon, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "Moo & A" Moretto.
Rish presents his time travel(ish) story "Olivia Rewinds." Our gal Olivia and her boyfriend break up, but then she can whatever she wishes . . . just like you.
Note: This is NOT the Valentine's Day episode.
To support me on Patreon, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "Be Kind Rewind" Moretto.
Rish presents M.R. James's 1904 story "The Mezzotint."
A shame there's no figures in that painting--someone could do a series of videos talking about figures.
If you want to download this episode, Right-Click HERE.
Then he presents his sketch "Study Group," with help from Big Anklevich, Marshal Latham, some British guy, and Tena Kolakowski.
If you want to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
If you want to support me on Patreon, click HERE.
If you want to be where the people are, go HERE.
Logo by Gino "Studly Group" Moretto.
Rish performs Stephen King's 1981 short story "The Jaunt." In this dark Sci-Fi tale, a father tells his nervous family how the Jaunt came to be before they take off to Mars.
Inspired by Big Anklevich and Taylor Swift, Rish talks about some of his favorite unhappy endings.
Warning: Spoilers abound!
Timecodes (unreliable)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) - 20:02
Halloween: Season of the Witch - 25:20
Se7en - 28:45
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Normal Again) - 31:05
Pet Sematary - 35:15
The Mist - 37:25
Planet of the Apes (1968) - 38:16
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - 42:35
The Descent - 44:44
Also, various Stephen King stories (The Jaunt, Gramma, The Mist), Big Anklevich stories, The Outer Limits, maybe more.
If you want to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
If you want to support me on Patreon, click HERE.
If you want to hear the whole Taylor Swift song, go HERE.
Logo by Gino "All's Swell" Moretto.
After running "Eyes of the Panther" a few months back, Rish presents Val Lewton's 1930 short story "The Bagheeta," that may or may not be about a panther that turns into a woman.
Rish ruminates about Heinlein's Rules For Writing, first readers, and his newest story collection. Then he and Big talk about what a terrible barterer Rish is, and present an interaction they call "Marvin Haggler."
As always, you can download the file by Right-Clicking HERE.
And of course, you can support my Patreon by clicking HERE.
Logo by Gino "Marvin Shaggler" Moretto.
Oh, and here's a link to the various iterations of "Female Protagonist:"
Digital version
The paperback version
Audiobook on Audible
And the hardcover not even my mother will buy
Rish shares--against his better judgement--his recent story "Happy Birthday, Mister Cundy."
Ashley is a caring and sympathetic nurse, even when it comes to the nastiest old man on the floor. It happens to be his birthday, and you know what they say about no good deeds.
Warning: Unsubtle politics.
You can download the file by Right-Clicking HERE.
You can support my Patreon by clicking HERE.
Logo by Gino "Mister Coondey" Moretto.
In a nearly-lost episode, Rish performs "Our Lady of the Shadows," by Tony Richards. An American in Paris encounters a helpful, friendly guide . . but is he friendly? Or helpful? Or a guide?
Warning: Bad French.
Note: This was recorded before I had been to Europe, in case that seems incongruous.
Rish finishes up his "Ten Thousand Coffins" reading. The Dawn Breaks is pretty big, but there's only room on the ship for either Brooklyn Lisst or the Ledouceur creature.
Afterward, Rish answers half a question from Abbie Hilton, and talks about where the story could go from here.
Note: The sound gets a bit rough before the end . . . but hey, you knew that going in.
Be a sport and download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.
To support me on Patreon, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "Just Two Coffins, Jacob: One For You, One For Me" Moretto.
Rish and Big Anklevich move into the Skynet era, as they talk about using A.I. to create (and replace) their story covers.
They talk about a dozen or so covers, and their struggles to improve them. Check out THIS PAGE of the blog to see the various images (or, if you're nasty).
Of course, to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
Of courser, to support me on Patreon, go HERE.
Course of supporting Big on Patreon HERE.
Logo by Gino "Under The Lovers" Moretto.
Rish presents the third--and longest--chunk of his Sci-Fi/Horror novella "Ten Thousand Coffins." So, there are now three awakened humans aboard the Dawn Breaks, and one vampire. Or is it two and two?
Afterward, a bit about the Skipper, and is it just me, or is Rish more defensive of this story than usual?
If you wish to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
If you wish to support me on Patreon, click HERE.
If you wish to hear the longest Taylor Swift song, you might as well go HERE.
Logo by Gino "No Clever Pun This Week" Moretto.
Rish and Big Anklevich get together to talk about the cover art they created for Rish's stories, mostly in 2023. Apparently, some of Rish's past covers were so bad, that even he couldn't let them stand.
Note: There is an accompanying blog post at my blog, with all of the images discussed. Check it out HERE or here:
Download the file directly by Right-Clicking HERE.
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Support Big on Patreon HERE!
Support your local gunfighter HERE!
Logo by Gino "Undercover Brother" Moretto.
Rish presents the second section of his novella "Ten Thousand Coffins."
Medtech Brook Lisst has seen the hand of the intruder on the ship . . . a vampire's hand. But vampires don't really exist, do they?
To support me on Patreon, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "Many Coffins Died To Bring Us This Information" Moretto.
Rish and Marshal got together to go the annual writers conference, and talk about the highs and lows, the encouragement, the Energon collected, and their brains filling up.
At long last, Rish presents the first section of his Sci-Fi/Horror piece "Ten Thousand Coffins."
Onboard her colony ship, Medtech Brook Lisst finds a sleeper pod that has become a coffin . . . but what will find her?
As always, you can download the file by Right-Clicking HERE.
And of course, you can support my Patreon by clicking HERE. They've already got Part II!
Logo by Gino "Ten Thousand Kiwis" Moretto.
Rish does his annual episode about the Lara Demming series, specifically talking about "Bundling Made Easy" and "Here To Help."
Note: Recorded over three sessions in two different months, expect plenty of repetition in this one. Yay!
If you'd like to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
If you would like to support me on Patreon, click HERE.
If you like piña coladas, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "The Itch and Me" Moretto.
Rish presents Ambrose Bierce's 1890 story "An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge." Remember that one?
Note: Over on my Patreon, this was a double-episode, with a second Bierce story, "The Eyes of the Panther."
If you want to download it, just Right-Click HERE.
If you want to support Rish on Patreon, as a sort of last meal before his execution, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "Deterrence At Owl Creek Bridge" Moretto.
Back in 2023*, Rish recorded a sprawling episode, ostensibly about the winter, but much more about writing and sports and being an extra in a Clint Eastwood film, and the MATRIX sequels, podcasting, and Stephen King, "The Adventure of the German Student" by Washington Irving, and WHEN HARRY MET SALLY.
You know, the usual.Rish gets together with Cousin Ryan to talk about toy-selling . . . for the last time?
Rish shares Ray Bradbury's 1969 tale "Night Call, Collect." Just let it go to voicemail, kids.
Warning: Some sound quality issues.
Rish likes New Years, and talks a bit about that. He looks at the many goals he failed at in 2023 and sets a few for 2024. He answers a couple of questions from listeners, and despite this episode ending up obscenely long, reads "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert W. Service.
Why? Because he thought you would like it.
To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.
To support me on Patreon, click HERE.
Logo by Gino "New (Zealand) Year's" Moretto.
Rish talks about the recent comic convention he went to with his nephew and Cousin Ryan.
Warning: He could not come up with a better episode title.