Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name 13: The Cemetery Tale

Since it's pretty close to Halloween, I figured I'd present some kind of scary story on here.  Barring that, I could present a story that's merely "scary."  Maybe next year I'll do better.

Oh, "The Cemetery Tale" is a story I wrote several years ago, based on (mostly) actual experience.  It is one of a trio of stories featuring the same main character, but just between us, Walter is me.

If ye care to download this awful, awful thing, Right-Click on the LINK!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Rish Outcast 29: Boom Clap

Here's a short little show with Rish talking about "Hannibal," a girl he did a drawing for, that song he hears at work every day, and whether his would-be protagonist should have a would-be love interest.

If madness drives you to download the episode, then by all means Right-Click HERE.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Rish Outcast 28: Not-A-Novel

Here's Rish talking while driving through the desert in a car that's supposed to break down.  He discusses the novel he was supposed to write this summer, the various rip-offs he has unintentionally perpetrated, and the mental block he has keeping him from ever being a novelist.

If you really want to download this thing, Right-Click on This Here Link.