Friday, September 20, 2019

Rish Outcast 150: How The Forsakened Sausage Is Made

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

So, I came out of audiobook retirement with Angela Townsend's "The Forsakened," a sequel to her horror novel "The Forlorned."

But should I have? And furthermore, should I talk about it?

Check out the audiobook for "The Forsakened" AT THIS LINK.


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Logo by Gino "I Eat Cannibals" Moretto.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Rish Outcast 149: The Reaper's Image

In this one I put out the last of my Stephen King audio readings, "The Reaper's Image." It's a 1969 story that later appeared in the "Skeleton Crew" collection.

It's good stuff, but why is it my last one? Well, go ahead and listen, kids.

Just download the show by Right-Clicking HERE.

Just support me on Patreon by going HERE.

Just say no! 

Logo by Gino "The Kiwi's Image" Moretto.