Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rish Outcast 156: Soul-Cleaver Clarence By Matthew Jarvis

In this episode, I present my performance of the Fantasy story "Soul-Cleaver Clarence" by Matthew J. Jarvis.

Then I talk for a while about whether I should have or not.

Be strong, and Right-Click THIS LINK to download the episode directly.

Here's a link to the full-cast version over at CAST OF WONDERS.

And if you'd like to hear "Last Contact" again, check it out HERE.

As often happens, this is a shorter episode than the Patreon supporters get, so, if you feel like joining up, serve your country and go to THIS LINK.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rish Outcast 155: The Shawshank Rishdemption

This is the episode where I talk about Frank Darabont's 1994 Stephen King adaptation The Shawshank Redemption. These are my thoughts and comments and there are probably spoilers.

Well, get busy listenin' or get busy dyin'.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE, if that's your thing.

Support me on Patreon HERE, or am I being obtuse?

Logo by Gino "You're Damn Right" Moretto.