Saturday, September 30, 2023

Rish Outcast 259: It Knows What Scares You


Rish expresses his irrational fear of yellowjackets and relates a recent encounter with one.  Also, he relates a Tale of eBay Horror from last year, pretty much unrelated.  But what things are you afraid of, and why?  

Note: I went through several title iterations for this one, before using the direct POLTERGEIST quote.  Only after I'd edited and published did I find a website where you could download a .WAV of the movie line.  Sigh.

To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

To drive away the insects, support me on Patreon HERE.

Logo by Gino "It Knows What Chers You" Moretto.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Rish Outcast 258: I Don't Think That's Funny At All


Rish talks about things that he finds funny that others might not, and vice-versa.  Then he and Big present the related sketch "Seasonal Disorder."  

Warning: You might not find it funny at all.

To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me over at Patreon, just click HERE.

Logo by Gino "I Don't Think That's Runny At All" Moretto.