Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Rish Outcast 188: The Many Faces of Christmas Eve


Over on the Dunesteef, we've been producing the entries for last year's Broken Mirror Christmas Event.  In a crossover show, Big Anklevich and I present my story "The Many Faces of Christmas Eve" for your wistening peasure.

To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Christmas Heave" Moretto.

Note: This was originally posted as Rish Outcast 186, but I was two behind.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Rish Outcast 187: Good Neighbor, Good Hands

As you know, Bob, I finally released my second book in the Lara and the Witch series.  It's the sequel to "Like A Good Neighbor," called (for some reason) "You're In Good Hands."  

If you'd like to purchase the book, it's available in text HERE.

Or, you can buy it in audio HERE. 

Or, there are versions with both stories HERE and HERE.

To download the episode directly, just Right-Click HERE

To support me on Patreon--hey, you would've heard this last month!--Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Urine Good Hands" Moretto.

Note: This was originally published as Rish Outcast 185, but I was two behind.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Rish Outcast 184: Journey Into Another Dimension 3

In this episode, I present the third chunk of my absurd novella  "Journey Into Another Dimension Through A Portal Near A Truck Stop Restroom."  Then I will explain.

I defy you to enjoy it.

To download the show, just Right-Click HERE.

To support the show, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The Toughest Skubbian" Moretto.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Rish Outcast 183: Journey Into Another Dimension 2


In this episode, I present the second chunk of my strange novella "Journey Into Another Dimension Through A Portal Near A Truck Stop Restroom."

encourage you to enjoy it.

To download the episode directly, just Right-Click HERE

To support me on Patreon--hey, you would've heard this last summer!--Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Survivor Into Another Dimension" Moretto.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Rish Outcast 182: Journey Into Another Dimension 1

 In this episode (from the start of the year), I present the first chunk of my weird novella "Journey Into Another Dimension Through A Portal Near A Truck Stop Restroom."

dare you to enjoy it.

To download the episode directly, just Right-Click HERE

To support me on Patreon--hey, you would've heard this last summer!--Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Foreigner Into Another Dimension" Moretto.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Podcast That Dares 25: Sir Sean

So, I went ahead and took a break from my regular schedule to talk about Sean Connery, both real and Fake.   Warning: may contain songs.

Oddly, if you had a romantic evening the last "Podcast That Dares" episode...the baby might be born during this one.

To download the episode directly, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Sir Yawn" Moretto.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Rish Outcast 186: The Night Clerk 2

 Here I present the second half of my "Dead & Breakfast" story, "The Night Clerk."  

It's a Halloween story, written in August, set in July!

Guys, guys, download the episode by clicking HERE!

Gals, gals, support me on Patreon by clicking HERE!

Gino, Gino, thanks for the logo up THERE!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Rish Outcast 185: The Night Clerk I

 It's almost Halloween, so I'm going to post this now (hey, it's only a year late!).

Originally planned for last year's Halloween show, I present the first half of the Dead & Breakfast story, "The Night Clerk."

You don't need to have listened to any of the other stories in the series to enjoy this one (presuming enjoyment is actually possible).

Hey, download the show directly by right-clicking HERE.

Or support me on Patreon by clicking HERE.  You may be glad you did.

Logo by Gino "The Night Jerk" Moretto.*

*This may seem unnecessarily harsh, but my first version was "The Shite Clerk."  

Monday, October 19, 2020

Outcast Update

We're now five weeks behind with the Rish Outcast episodes, between the Patreon feed and this one.  So, since I'm now dropping the Halloween episodes of my podcast, I'm going to have to post the Halloween shows next, and then get the earlier ones posted in November.  That way, the Christmas show(s?) will still drop in December.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Rish Outcast 181: Try Your Luck

So, this is the third (and final) Praisden Pickle Days Carnival story I'm presenting on the show.  It was actually the first one written, though.  Have a great (memory of) summer!

If you want to download the episode, Right-Click right HERE.

If you want to support me on Patreon (and really, why wouldn't you?), Left-Click left HERE.

Logo by Gino "Fry Your Truck" Moretto.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Rish Outcast 180: Now Do It A Million Times

So, in this episode I talk about finishing a story and exercising, and how you've got to--somehow--do it all over again.  It's me trying to be inspiring (yes, good luck to both of us).

If you'd like to download the show directly, just Right-Click HERE.

If you'd like to support me on Patreon, why not go HERE?

Logo by Gino "A Million Mimes" Moretto.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rish Outcast 179: The Case of the Missing Turtle

 Inspired by true events!

So, this is the mini-sequel to my story "Lost & Found," presented on the Outcast HERE and HERE.

It was also the subject of a That Gets My Goat episode where Big and I talked about (and to) Orson Scott Card HERE.

To download the show, simply Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, gimply Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Case of the Missing Kiwi" Moretto.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Rish Outcast 178: Answer the Calling

So, this is my much-delayed episode talking about "The Calling: Reunion," a sequel to my short story "The Calling," from 2013 or so.  I had many problems getting Audible to approve the audiobook version* but hey, here it is, under the wire.

If you'd like to buy "The Calling: Reunion," it's available at Amazon HERE and Audible HERE.

To Right-Click the episode, simply download it HERE.

To support me on Patreon, come over HERE.

Logo by Gino "Calling: All Cars" Moretto.

*Oh, and there are still errors in it, apparently.  Lots.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Rish Outcast 177: Midlife Crisis (On One Earth)


Rish talks about the state of the plague (back in April) and his own crisis (the mid-life kind).  And Hitchcock's THE LADY VANISHES, for some reason.

Just download it by Right-Clicking HERE.

And support me on Patreon (and get these episodes on time) HERE.

Logo by Gino "Dim-Life" Moretto.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Rish Outcast 176: Father's Day In August

In this one, I present the second of my Praisden Carnival Trilogy (not that I've ever referred to it as that), "Father's Day In August."

Hopefully, I can start putting shows out regularly again this month (my goal is four in August). Wish me luck!

If you'd like to download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

If you'd like to support me on Patreon (and get these episodes either early or on time), Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Muthah's Day" Moretto.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Rish Outcast 175: Writing To Please

In this episode, I go into (some) detail about being paid to write a screenplay in 2020, and how it went, from idea to table-read.

Also, Fake Sean would prefer that you don't start now.

To download this episode directly, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, go to THIS LINK.

Logo by Gino "Pleasing To Write To" Moretto.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Rish Outcast 174: 'Til Death Do We Podcast

Rish talks to Marshal Latham about the "Dead & Breakfast" series, and specifically, Marshal's entry in the series, "Til Death Do We Meet" (which is available at the Journey Into... podcast).

Oh, and Fake Sean busts a bit of a move.

To check out Marshal's story, go right HERE.

To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "'Lil Death" Moretto.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Rish Outcast 173: Round & Round

In this show, I present the first of three 1992 Praisden carnival stories, "Round and Round."

So, if you hate this one . . . we're both in trouble.

To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Or you can support me on Patreon by going HERE.

Or you can become a Patreon supporter by hitting THIS LINK.

Logo by Gino "Square and Square" Moretto.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Rish Outcast 172: Interesting Times

So, I got another quick episode out in a (vain) attempt to make my goal this month. In this one, I talk about what's been up the past weeks, Mother's Day, a couple more stories about being an extra, and wax nostalgic (or revolting) about the Carousel ice cream parlor.


To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Interesting Crimes" Moretto.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rish Outcast 171?

Just a reminder: Rish Outcast Episode 171 is a Patreon-only show, wherein I present my Dead & Breakfast installment "The Old Man and Me."  Thought you ought to know.

Feel free to support me on Patreon by going to THIS LINK.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Rish Outcast 170: Who Can It Be Now?

In this show, I present my Pout of Competition story "Who Can It Be Now?" Originally intended for an anthology of monster stories set in the Rocky Mountains, perhaps you'll like it more than the judges did.

If you care to download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

If you care to support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

If you care, the logo was by Gino "Knocking At My Door" Moretto.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rish Outcast 169: The Extra Episode

In this one, I sit down and talk a bit about a recent job I had as a television extra, then talk a lot more about doing extra work in general.

Let me know if this is a subject you'd like me to revisit.  I could go on for hours.

To download this episode, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Extra-Extra" Moretto.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Rish Outcast 168: COVID & Breakfast

In this show, I talk about the pandemic (at least as of the end of March), then drone on and on about my "Dead & Breakfast" series.

Afterward, if anyone is left, Fake Sean remarks about his house, in the middle of his street.

If you care to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you care to support me on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Zed & Breakfast" Moretto.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rish Outcast 167: Writers Conference Call (Part I)

As is tradition, Rish talks to Big Anklevich about his annual writers conference.  But this is only the first half of the conversation.  Stay tuned.

To download the show directly Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, kindly Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Call Me Anytime" Moretto.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Rish Outcast 166: Wish In One Hand...

In this short episode, I share my contest-losing short story "Wish In One Hand..."

Just put up with it, okay?  It's short.

To download it directly, just Right-Click HERE.

Is podcasting no longer important, with all the furor going on around us?  Or is it more important than ever?  If you feel it's the latter, feel free to support me on Patreon HERE.

Logo by Gino "Pissindeothah" Moretto.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Rish Outcast 165: I Feel . . . Young

So, this is a reaaaaally personal episode, again.  In this one, I  talk about my midlife crisis, teenage girls, TMIs for a while, and end up discussing THE WRATH OF KHAN.

Oh, and maybe a new story . . . if you're good.

Here's a link to the story "A Mark On The Sky" you'd be doing us both a favor by reading.  And here's the audiobook . . . even better.

Just Right-Click HERE to download the episode.

Just Left-Click HERE to support me on Patreon.  Join the few, the proud . . . the few.

Just a logo by Gino "He Tasks Me" Moretto.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Rish Outcast 164: Read My Mind

In this show, I present a recent short story called "Read My Mind," another one of those young-people-drink-a-bunch-of-mixed-soft-drinks-and-it-gives-them-telepathic-abilities tales.

 This one is quite overdue, but don't worry, we'll get a more timely show up next.  Maybe.

Just Right-Click HERE to download the episode.

Just Left-Click HERE to support me on Patreon.

Just Gino "The Mindreader" Moretto did the logo.

Friday, February 14, 2020

TPTDNSIN 23: The Fake Sean Connery Valentine's Day Variety Show

Wow, kids, I got this in right under the wire.  If I ever try something this ambitious again, remind me to start it a month in advance, not a week.

So, Fake Sean hosts his own variety special, in honor of Valentine's Day.  Whether you love the day or hate it, hopefully this show, with songs and special guests, will make it all the better.

Just download the show by Right-Clicking HERE.

Once again, if you want to support me on Patreon, go to THIS LINK.

Awesome logo by Gino "Saint Valentine" Moretto.

Theme song was Sweeter Vermouth by Kevin MacLeod (CC 4.0 License)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Rish Outcast 163: Flawed Protagonists (Abigail Hilton Interview)

In this episode, I sit down with Abigail Hilton and talk about her writing, intending to talk about flawed protagonists, but barely getting around to it.

To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon--wow, thanks!--Left-Click HERE.

To support Abbie, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Flawless Victory" Moretto.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Rish Outcast 162: The Colour Out Of Space

This time 'round, I perform the lengthy H.P. Lovecraft story "The Colour Out Of Space." Chances are, the result will be indescribable.

In a bizarre coincidence, a movie version of TCOOS was released in select theaters . . . today.

If you'd like to download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

If you'd like to support the show on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The Cruller Out Of Space" Moretto.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Rish Outcast 161: Hello Laptop, Goodbye Home

Okay, here's another TMI show.  Sorry.

In this one, I talk about getting a new laptop and saying farewell to my childhood home.  Exciting, no?

To download this episode, Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, go on over HERE.

Logo by Gino "Good-Hell" Moretto.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rish Outcast 160: 12 Goals For 2020

So, it's a new year (according to some, a new decade), and I thought I'd make a list of five goals for 2020.  Then that list became ten.  And here is an episode where I talk about my even dozen goals for the year.

I'm putting them out here so people will hold me to them.  Perhaps there's entertainment value there too.

To download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The 13th Goal" Moretto.

Again, I'd really appreciate it if you'd support me on Patreon (even for a dollar an episode).  They got a longer version of the episode, with a short "Lara & the Witch" vignette at the end.