Monday, July 29, 2019

Rish Outcast 145: New Year's Day (Part I)

Here's the first healthy chunk of my 2004 novella "New Year's Day." Dave, Britt, and Rob know all about the famous Laemmle House, but do they dare to venture inside?

In this section, we get all the way up to the edge of The Big Reveal, and then I end it, to start talking about this job I had in the Nineties.

But hey, this ain't your first rodeo. You knew what I was when you picked me up.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Here's a link to the full story on Amazon, if you want it.

Keep her satisfied! Add length or girth by going RIGHT HERE.

Logo by Gino "Do Not Enter" Moretto.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rish Outcast 144: Toy Show Show

In this one I tell you about taking my eleven year old nephew to a toy show in Las Vegas, who goes to such shows, selling on eBay, what NOT to say to a customer, an unfortunate auction, and almost taking him to see a total eclipse (of the heart).

Even if every now and then you fall apart . . . enjoy!

To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Bright Eyes" Moretto.

Eclipse photo by Rish "Turn Around" Outfield.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Rish Outcast 143: Eight O'Clock In The Morning (By Ray Nelson)

Rish (and special guest star) presents the classic Sci-Fi story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning" by Ray Faraday Nelson.
It's a tale with a very familiar premise, but how about the opposite one?

You can Right-Click HERE to download the episode directly . . .

. . . aww, it's not for you.  It's more of a Shelbyville idea.

Logo by Gino "They Live" Moretto.