Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Rish Outcast 202: Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar


Rish presents the Edgar Allan Poe story, "The Facts In The Case of M. Valdemar."

To download the episode, just Left-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, go RIGHT HERE.

Logo by Gino "Edgar Allan" Moretto.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Rish Outcast 201: A Christmas Extra

  Rish talks about his most recent extra work, on a Christmas movie not shot at Christmastime.

Download this bad boy by Right-Clicking HERE.

Hey, I don't beat this drum very often, but this is really an episode that's better for Patreons (with about thirteen extra minutes) than for the general release version.  In fact, the whole episode was supposed to be for them, until I realized I'd been stuck in traffic for forty-five minutes, and I decided to make an Outcast of it.  So, one more time: HERE is a link to my Patreon account, if you'd care to come onboard.

Logo by Gino "Extra! Extra!" Moretto.