Sunday, June 26, 2022

Rish Outcast 224: Newfound Fame 3

 Somehow, Ernst Hillerman has drawn the notice of the Brown Depths Monster. Which is not good.

Also not good?  I've decided to split "Newfound Fame" into FOUR episodes instead of three. I blame the curse.

To download the file, Right-Click HERE.

To support Rish over at Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Newfound Shame" Moretto.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Rish Outcast 223: Newfound Fame 2

The story of Ernst Hillerman at his first horror convention continues . . . and the horror becomes a little too real.

To download this cursed file, Right-Click HERE.

To support Rish on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Newfound Aflame" Moretto.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Rish Outcast 222: Newfound Fame 1


Are you a Horror fan?  A TRUE Horror fan?

Uncle Rish is proud to present the first section of "Newfound Fame," the tale of Ernst Hillerman, who once played The Brown Depths Monster, so, so long ago.

If you care to download the show, Right-Click HERE.

If you care to help Rish on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

If you care, the logo was by Gino "Newfound Maim" Moretto.