Saturday, May 25, 2024

Podcast That Dares 48: Our Lady of the Shadows


In a nearly-lost episode, Rish performs "Our Lady of the Shadows," by Tony Richards.  An American in Paris encounters a helpful, friendly guide . .  but is he friendly?  Or helpful?  Or a guide?

Warning: Bad French.

Note: This was recorded before I had been to Europe, in case that seems incongruous.

To download this episode, Right-Click HERE

To support Rish on Patreon, click HERE

 Logo by Gino "Slim Shady of the Shadows" Moretto.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Rish Outcast 280: Ten Thousand Coffins 4


Rish finishes up his "Ten Thousand Coffins" reading. The Dawn Breaks is pretty big, but there's only room on the ship for either Brooklyn Lisst or the Ledouceur creature.

Afterward, Rish answers half a question from Abbie Hilton, and talks about where the story could go from here.

Note: The sound gets a bit rough before the end . . . but hey, you knew that going in.

Be a sport and download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

To support me on Patreon, click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Just Two Coffins, Jacob: One For You, One For Me" Moretto.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Rish Outcast 279: Under the Covers 2


Rish and Big Anklevich move into the Skynet era, as they talk about using A.I. to create (and replace) their story covers. 

They talk about a dozen or so covers, and their struggles to improve them.  Check out THIS PAGE of the blog to see the various images (or, if you're nasty). 

Of course, to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

Of courser, to support me on Patreon, go HERE.

Course of supporting Big on Patreon HERE.

Logo by Gino "Under The Lovers" Moretto.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rish Outcast 278: Ten Thousand Coffins 3


Rish presents the third--and longest--chunk of his Sci-Fi/Horror novella "Ten Thousand Coffins."  So, there are now three awakened humans aboard the Dawn Breaks, and one vampire. Or is it two and two?

Afterward, a bit about the Skipper, and is it just me, or is Rish more defensive of this story than usual?

If you wish to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you wish to support me on Patreon, click HERE.

If you wish to hear the longest Taylor Swift song, you might as well go HERE.

Logo by Gino "No Clever Pun This Week" Moretto.