Monday, February 17, 2025

Rish Outcast 298: Balms, Sears, & Publishing


Rish talks about his longest work, the newly-released book "Balms & Sears." He talks about the idea behind it, the reason it got so long, and the many challenges of producing the audio.

You may buy the text HERE, and you may buy the audio version HERE!

If you want to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you want to support me on Patreon, click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Balms & Jeers" Moretto.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Rish Outcast 297: You're In Good Hands 4


So, here we are, the last segment of the 2019 "Lara & The Witch" novella.

Lara Demming has been targeted by a supernatural enemy, and what's worse, he now knows where she is.

Here's a link to the Collection Volume 1 audiobook, now available!

If you want to download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you want to support me on Patreon, click HERE.

Logo by Gino "You're In Wood Stands" Moretto.