Thursday, February 14, 2019

Podcast That Dares 22: Doorstep Valentine

It's the worst day of the year,* so it's only fair to give you an episode of the worst podcast on the 'sphere, The Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name!

In this episode, I shares a Valentine's Day story that was . . . well, probably written by me. But why, exactly?

 Do you wanna download this episode?  Right-Click HERE.

Do you wanna give me money?  Left-Click HERE.

Do you wanna dance?  Left-Click HERE.

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.

Logo by Gino "The Goddess of Love" Moretto.

*Sorry about the delay, but it couldn't happen to a nicer holiday.


  1. My first thought was that he doesn't remember her and this is something that happens regularly between them because they they are immortals who lose their memory periodically to stay in the present, like what happened to Will Smith's character in the movie where he and Charlize Theron are gods (spoiler).
    Alternatively, it could be an intentional "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" meets "Memento" situation, maybe just to keep things interesting and they take turns forgetting each other and finding each other again, or maybe to cope with his poor self-esteem by renewing his honeymoon phase of the relationship over and over.
    Thirdly (is that a word?), it's a valentine that arrives too early, from the future, and either it was a supernatural accident the universe arranged to give this guy a chance, or time travel is a thing in the future and she's being playful, or future-him has gotten ahold of a limited fate-altering magic-spell or machine that will direct past-him to do what he needs to do to make this happen. (A good ending for this set of versions of the story, that falls in line with your writing style, is that he doesn't end up with her despite foreknowledge, but maybe gains the confidence to be braver and get out there more.)
    Fourthly (quarternally? quadrilly? 4th option...whatever), it is someone completely messing with him who is very creative, manipulative, and good with Photoshop. This person is either a guardian angel of some kind or a distant descendant of their line, or someone who has an ulterior motive like winning a bet or affecting the future in some way (or just a prick), trying to get this guy and his valentine together.
    Whichever version the source is, the story is him finding and courting her by overcoming his emotional issues, or whatever natural or supernatural elements are keeping them apart.

  2. Daniel, I love that you put so much thought into this. Wish I did the same, but as you know, I don't even remember writing it (maybe I also lose my memory to stay in the present).

    Also, because this is the unofficial (backup) blog, I didn't discover this comment until October. In the future, check out my blog over at, since I am actually notified when someone comments there.
