Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rish Outcast 159: Choice of a Sidekick

Happy Christmas, Ron.

This was last year's holiday episode, which I was unable to get out there in time.

 I'm presenting the Benny Parks prequel story "Choice of a Sidekick," but be warned, the sound quality is decidedly un-Christmasy.

Download the episode directly by Right-Clicking HERE.

To support me on Patreon, go HERE.

Logo by Gino "He Chose . . . Poorly" Moretto.

Music was "Americana" (of course) by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Rish Outcast 158: The Most Feared In The Galaxy

I deliberated quite a bit about whether to put this out as an episode or not.  But I must not have deliberated enough, because here it is.

In this show, I present my Star Wars-related short story "The Most Feared in the Galaxy."  Then I talk about whether I should have or not.

Apologies, in advance, to Marshal and Abbie.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Support my show on Patreon HERE.

Check out our "Delusions of Grandeur" podcast HERE.

Cover by Gino "Most Sheared" Moretto.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rish Outcast 157: What I Most Despise

Oh, it's another one of these.

In this episode, I share--overshare, between you and me--a couple of recent experiences where I became . . . what I most despise.

You know the feeling, don't lie.

Right-Click HERE to download the episode directly.

Left-Click HERE to support me on Patreon.

Logo by Gino "What I Most Revise" Moretto.

What the hell, here's another PATREON LINK.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rish Outcast 156: Soul-Cleaver Clarence By Matthew Jarvis

In this episode, I present my performance of the Fantasy story "Soul-Cleaver Clarence" by Matthew J. Jarvis.

Then I talk for a while about whether I should have or not.

Be strong, and Right-Click THIS LINK to download the episode directly.

Here's a link to the full-cast version over at CAST OF WONDERS.

And if you'd like to hear "Last Contact" again, check it out HERE.

As often happens, this is a shorter episode than the Patreon supporters get, so, if you feel like joining up, serve your country and go to THIS LINK.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rish Outcast 155: The Shawshank Rishdemption

This is the episode where I talk about Frank Darabont's 1994 Stephen King adaptation The Shawshank Redemption. These are my thoughts and comments and there are probably spoilers.

Well, get busy listenin' or get busy dyin'.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE, if that's your thing.

Support me on Patreon HERE, or am I being obtuse?

Logo by Gino "You're Damn Right" Moretto.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rish Outcast 154: Touching the Other Side

This is my Halloween episode, and thanks to mishaps, I'm lucky to have gotten it to you at all.  I barely managed to publish it today, after dealing with frozen pipes and trick or treating, but now that I'm done, I hope you enjoy "Touching the Other Side."*

TTOS is is a new story concerning a certain haunted building in Idaho, and I hope you dig it.

So, happy greatest day of the year!

Spookily download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Creepily check out "True Ghost Encounter" HERE and/or HERE.

Unsettlingly become a patron on my Patreon HERE.

Terrifyingly thank Gino Moretto for the logo (and cover) HERE.

*Another reason to support me on Patreon . . . those guys got it days ago.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rish Outcast 153: Fire & Blood & Rish & Outfield

In this show, I talk about George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood" book, and its many detractors.  And I try to understand the man himself.

If you'd rather download the episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you'd rather the show not disappear after Halloween, support me on Patreon HERE.

Logo by Gino "Byre & Flood" Moretto.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rish Outcast 152: Pigeons From Hell

In this episode, I share Robert E. Howard's famous Horror story "Pigeons From Hell."

I talk about Howard, audio narration, and my choice of how to present this story, specifically a certain word contained in the original text.  That word.

Download this filth by Right-Clicking HERE.

Support me on Patreon by Left-Clicking HERE.

Logo by Gino "Kiwi From Hell" Moretto.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Rish Outcast 151: Radio Ga Ga

This episode, I present my short story "Radio Ga Ga."  And then I apologize for the title.  A lot.

I also talk about the movies TROLL 2 and SHUDDER ISLAND.  A little.

Care to download the episode directly?  Right-Click HERE.

Wish to support me on Patreon?  Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Killer Queen" Moretto.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Rish Outcast 150: How The Forsakened Sausage Is Made

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

So, I came out of audiobook retirement with Angela Townsend's "The Forsakened," a sequel to her horror novel "The Forlorned."

But should I have? And furthermore, should I talk about it?

Check out the audiobook for "The Forsakened" AT THIS LINK.


Right-Click HERE to download the episode.

 Left-Click HERE to support me on Patreon.

Or, you can Left-Click HERE to become a Patreon supporter.

Logo by Gino "I Eat Cannibals" Moretto.

Check out my Patreon page HERE!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Rish Outcast 149: The Reaper's Image

In this one I put out the last of my Stephen King audio readings, "The Reaper's Image." It's a 1969 story that later appeared in the "Skeleton Crew" collection.

It's good stuff, but why is it my last one? Well, go ahead and listen, kids.

Just download the show by Right-Clicking HERE.

Just support me on Patreon by going HERE.

Just say no! 

Logo by Gino "The Kiwi's Image" Moretto.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rish Outcast 148: I Had No Hat

In this one, I talk about getting sick . . . and not getting well for a good long time.  And how it made me re-examine my health and future.  And free balloons for the kids!

If you want to download this one directly, just Right-Click HERE.

Support me on Patreon . . . if you dare.

Logo by Gino "Two Hats" Moretto.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rish Outcast 147: New Year's Day (Part III)

So, here's the ending, such that it is, of the "New Year's Day" novella.  Then some talk about it.

Oh, and the frogs have their say as well.

Simply Right-Click HERE to download the episode.

Logo by Gino "Break Glass In Case of Fire" Moretto.

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com.

Here's a link to the full story on Amazon, if you want to leave a review or something.

And hey, you can support me on Patreon HERE!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Rish Outcast 146: New Year's Day (Part II)

Here's another healthy/mildly-infirm chunk of the "New Year's Day" novella. And lots of chat as well!

Simply Right-Click HERE to download the episode.

Logo by Gino "Keep Out" Moretto.

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com.

Here's a link to the full story on Amazon, if you want it.

And support me on Patreon HERE!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Rish Outcast 145: New Year's Day (Part I)

Here's the first healthy chunk of my 2004 novella "New Year's Day." Dave, Britt, and Rob know all about the famous Laemmle House, but do they dare to venture inside?

In this section, we get all the way up to the edge of The Big Reveal, and then I end it, to start talking about this job I had in the Nineties.

But hey, this ain't your first rodeo. You knew what I was when you picked me up.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Here's a link to the full story on Amazon, if you want it.

Keep her satisfied! Add length or girth by going RIGHT HERE.

Logo by Gino "Do Not Enter" Moretto.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rish Outcast 144: Toy Show Show

In this one I tell you about taking my eleven year old nephew to a toy show in Las Vegas, who goes to such shows, selling on eBay, what NOT to say to a customer, an unfortunate auction, and almost taking him to see a total eclipse (of the heart).

Even if every now and then you fall apart . . . enjoy!

To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.

To support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "Bright Eyes" Moretto.

Eclipse photo by Rish "Turn Around" Outfield.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Rish Outcast 143: Eight O'Clock In The Morning (By Ray Nelson)

Rish (and special guest star) presents the classic Sci-Fi story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning" by Ray Faraday Nelson.
It's a tale with a very familiar premise, but how about the opposite one?

You can Right-Click HERE to download the episode directly . . .

. . . aww, it's not for you.  It's more of a Shelbyville idea.

Logo by Gino "They Live" Moretto.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Rish Outcast 142: The Real Monster Here

Stuck driving to the airport, I ponder the recent funeral for my cousin, my own moral barometer, and a line from Sam Raimi's DARKMAN that has always bothered me.  
Oh, and spoilers for "The Servants of Twilight," TRANSCENDENCE, and life itself.
Note: This one *might* be a T.M.I. episode, you can decide.
Just Right-Click HERE to download the episode directly.
Just Left-Click HERE to support me on Patreon.
Logo by Gino "The Unreal Monster" Moretto.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Rish Outcast 140: Closet Case

In this episode, I share my short story "Closet Case," and ponder its worth.

It's another of those stories I wrote for an online contest . . . another contest I did not win.

But let's ponder it together, huh?

Hey there, why don't you download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE?

Hey there again, why don't you support me on Patreon HERE?

Logo by Gino "The Mollusk" Moretto.

 Please note, Episode 141 (the next show) is one of those episodes that only the Patreon supporters get.  It's me and Big Anklevich discovering what, exactly, happens in Vegas . . .

Monday, May 13, 2019

Rish Outcast 139: At Length...

So, here I talk about writing and releasing stories, and wonder how short is too short, and how long is . . . wait, is this description too long?

If you absolutely must download this episode, Right-Click HERE.

If you absolutely must support me on Patreon, Left-Click HERE.

If you absolutely love chalupas . . . well, you're not alone.

Logo by Gino "Baseball Bat Length" Moretto.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rish Outcast 138: Anybody Wanna Buy Some Coffins?

Okay, finally.  

Here is the episode where I cart out my salespitch for the oft-delayed "Ten Thousand Coffins" novella/audiobook. I talk about its inspiration, the frustrations in getting it out there, and dance around the central conceit of the story.  Hey, could you just buy it so we can move on?  

You can't always get what you want, after all.  

Oh, I heard 10,000 Maniacs' cover of Because The Night yesterday on the radio (yes, I still listen to the radio.  I am THAT old), and was reminded of where their name came from* and wondered if that's where my title came from.  I recall toying with calling it "A Thousand Coffins" and then upping it to various numbers, depending on how the title sounded.  I think I picked 10,000 because it sounded the best spoken aloud (better than 50,000 or 20,000, anyway), but it could have sounded good because there was a band years ago called Ten Thousand Maniacs.
Here's a link to the TEXT VERSION.
And here's one for the AUDIO VERSION. This one has the WhisperSync option available, and I'm curious, have any of you ever read/listened to one of those WhisperSync books? How does it work, exactly?
Thanks to Austin "Danger!" Douglas and Gino "Bridge Out!" Moretto for the cover art!

To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE. To support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.
*There was a gory B-movie (I think by Herschel Gordon Lewis) called 2,000 MANIACS, and the band misremembered the title as 10,000 MANIACS.  When they learned of their mistake, they had already gotten used to the band name.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Rish Outcast 137: Todd, Jenny, and the Ugly Doll (Part 2)

So, in this one, I continue my walk, I finish presenting "Todd, Jenny, and the Ugly Doll," and I talk about the trouble with scary dolls.  
Dang, why wasn't that the title of this one?  "The Trouble With Scary Dolls."
If you'd like to download the episode, simply Right-Click HERE.
If you'd like to support me on Patreon, simply Left-Click HERE.
If you'd like to make a one-time donation to the show, not-so-simply find the PayPal donate button on the main page of the blog HERE.
Logo by Gino "Scarier Doll" Moretto.
Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com, and "Creepy Doll" by Jonathan Coulton, both under Creative Commons 3.0 licenses. 
What dolls scare you?  Lemmee know in the comments.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Rish Outcast 136: Todd, Jenny, & the Ugly Doll (Part 1)

In this show from last year (drink every time you hear a dated reference!), I go for a walk around the lake, all by myself.  Or with you, depending on how you look at it.  I talk, encounter a dead/alive duck, and share my story "Todd, Jenny, and the Ugly Doll" . . . or half of it, anyway.

If you dare download the episode directly, Right-Click HERE.

If you dare support me on Facebook, Left-Click HERE.

If you like Jonathan Coulton's Creepy Doll song, Left-Click HERE.

But whatever you do, DON'T click here!

Cover art and logo by Gino "The Handsome Doll" Moretto.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rish Outcast 135: Conference Sprawl (Part II)

Didn't get enough last episode?  Well, here's more of the same!
In this one, I keep on talking about the writers conference I went to, share some notes, share some empathy and some criticism.  But worry not, I believe there are no references to Ted McGinley included.*
And wait, there's more!  Later, Fake Sean Connery and Fake Ahnold will still have each other, even when the world runs out of lovers.
Feel free to download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.
Feel freer to support me on Patreon HERE.
Logo by Gino "The Mant!" Moretto**
*There WAS a special extended version of this show for Patreon supporters, if you REALLY can't get enough.
**A mant is a half-man, half-ant.  Mant!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Rish Outcast 134: Conference Squall

Rish talks (quite a bit) about the recent writing conference he went to, like he does every year. Was it miserable like last year, or did he talk for hours about it instead?  Oh, and Fake Sean's living in a powder keg and giving off sparks.*

Hey, go ahead and Right-Click HERE to download this episode.

Hey, feel free to click on THIS LINK to support me on Patreon.

Hey, check out my YouTube page RIGHT HERE.

Logo by Gino "White Squall" Moretto.

When's forever gonna start, by the way?

*Honestly, this is probably my favorite Fake Sean Connery song since he first agreed to do songs for me.  If Real Sean passes away . . . you'll probably hear this again.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Rish Outcast 133: True Ghost Encounter

As threatened in my episode "What A Stupid Concept,"* here is my haunted bed and breakfast story, "True Ghost Encounter."  Judson writes on a blog about brushes with the supernatural, and stumbles upon the Old Faithful of Haunted Houses up in Idaho.

It's the first story in the proposed "Dead & Breakfast" anthology.  Let me know if you too have an Ghost Encounter to share.

If the spirits beseech you to download the episode directly, just Right-Click HERE.

If the spirits inspire you to support me on Patreon, just Left-Click HERE.

If the spirits attack you . . . just sing a happy song?

Logo by Gino "The Spirit Is Willing" Moretto.

Music by the incomparable Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com.

*You can listen to that episode if you want to know more about the background, frustration, and ultimate goals in writing this story.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Rish Outcast 132: Friends In Paradise

Say it again now, children . . .

In this one, I share the very first story I wrote for the "Masters of the Macabre" contest, "Friends In Paradise." Poor Jessica is stuck going to Hawaii with her family, but perhaps she can see a friendly face while she's there.  Or faces.

So, I'm going to try to call these contest-losing story episodes "Pout of Competition" shows (if you think that's bad, you should see the names I rejected!).   Maybe I'll get Gino to make me a symbol to stick on 'em.

If you Right-Click HERE, you can download the episode directly.

If you Left-Click HERE, you can support me on Patreon.

If you Click-Bait HERE, you won't believe what Tootie from "Facts of Life" looks like today!!!!

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com.

Logo by Gino "The Graying Mantis" Moretto.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Rish Outcast 131: Squad D by Stephen King

In this episode, I perform the "lost" Stephen King short story "Squad D," which was written forty years back for Harlan Ellison, but never saw print . . . yet.

Normally, I'd leave the King stories for subscriber or hidden episodes, but this one's an exception.  It may also be the last.

Download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE.

Support me and my vain efforts on Patreon by Left-Clicking HERE.

If you'd like to BUY the upcoming anthology in which "Squad D" appears, click HERE.

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com.

Logo by Gino "Squad Pee" Moretto.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Podcast That Dares 22: Doorstep Valentine

It's the worst day of the year,* so it's only fair to give you an episode of the worst podcast on the 'sphere, The Podcast That Dares Not Speak Its Name!

In this episode, I shares a Valentine's Day story that was . . . well, probably written by me. But why, exactly?

 Do you wanna download this episode?  Right-Click HERE.

Do you wanna give me money?  Left-Click HERE.

Do you wanna dance?  Left-Click HERE.

Music by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.

Logo by Gino "The Goddess of Love" Moretto.

*Sorry about the delay, but it couldn't happen to a nicer holiday.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Rish Outcast 130: Drive Like Wildfire

So, this is another episode where I drive to the family cabin.  Only difference is, there had been some terrible wildfires at the time (which would only get worse in the days that followed, destroying over 150,000 acres), making the drive way more interesting.

Of course, talked the whole time, making the drive only slightly more interesting.

Here's a pic I took from the road, which should show some of the scale of the thing:

And while this isn't nearly as spectacular as it was on the day, here's that day's sunset with all the smoke in the air:

Down for downloading?  Right-Click HERE.

Down for donating?  Left-Click HERE.

Down under?  Left-Click HERE.

Logo by Gino Moretto, The Spectacular Slug-man

Friday, January 25, 2019

Rish Outcast 129: Lost and Found (Part II)

In this episode, I share the second half of "Lost and Found," picking up with Armin and Will leaving Mr. Kassad's office.  Once again, I sum up my ideas for a sequel, and explain where the inspiration came from.

I also talk about Anne Frank, Samuel L. Jackson, and Abraham Van Helsing.  What more could you ask, Pia Zadora?

Do ya wanna download the episode directly?  Well, Right-Click HERE.

Do ya wanna support me on Patreon?  Well, Left-Click HERE.

Do ya think I'm sexy?  Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The Hillside Angler" Moretto.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Rish Outcast 128: Lost and Found (Part I)

A few months back, I ran a show called "But Now I'm Found,"  where I talked (extensively) about my story "Lost & Found," and speculated about a sequel. To my surprise, I hadn't actually run "Lost & Found" on the podcast, so that same day, I recorded this episode. 

Timely, huh?

Will Choner is a boy with an unusual ability, but a dangerous one, one forbidden by his mother. Can his uncle persuade them to let him use the power, if it's for a good cause?

Wanna download the episode directly?  Right-Click HERE.

Wanna support me on Patreon?  Click HERE.

Wanna NOT support me on Patreon?  Click HERE.

Logo by Gino "The Cold Blacksmith" Moretto

Monday, January 7, 2019

Rish Outcast 127: The Telephone Is Ringing

Is that my mother on the phone?

In this show, Rish talks about cellphones, his latest audio collection, the family cabin, unknown numbers, and Poe's "The Raven" again.

Feel free to scoop up my third Audio Fiction Collection, "Creepy Doll and Other Stories" at THIS LINK.

Hey, you can download the episode by Right-Clicking HERE!

Support me at Patreon RIGHT HERE.

Logo by Gino "Man-Bat" Moretto.